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Basic usage

The easiest way to get up and running with Conventions is to use the shorthand syntax:

// config/conventions.php
return [
    'patterns' => [
        'partial' => '_partials',
        'field' => '_fields',
        'component' => '_components',
    'defaults' => [
          'params' => [
              'ensure' => [],
              'require' => [],
              'reject' => [],

This will create three PatternTypes and their helpers (partial(), field() and component()).

Using the default Resolver, these helpers will map to resolving partial templates (we call them Patterns) in templates/_partials/, templates/_fields/ and templates/_components/ respectively, but you can change that to suit your needs by just editing the key name to change the helper name, and the value to change the subdirectory within templates/ .

Using the Pattern helper functions

helperMethod($path, $context)

All template helper functions take two arguments:

  1. path: A required string path that identifies the Pattern ('card/blog in this case)
  2. context A Twig object representing the context to use when rendering the template { data: { entry: entry } }. This may be optional, depending on the context rules rules that you have set up for this Pattern Type
{{ component('card/blog', { data: { entry: entry } }) }}

Any variables you wish to use when rendering the Pattern's template must be explicitly passed, with the exception of the craft global. By design it is not possible to pass additional parameters to the Pattern. Instead, add keys to the context object instead.

The fallback template

By default, if Conventions can't resolve the paths you provided to a template, it will look for a special template at templates/missing.twig to render instead. This template will have access to a pattern variable that you can use for rendered debug information. For example, you might add something like this:

{% if devMode %}
  Missing template for {{ pattern.type.handle }} with paths {{ pattern.paths | join (',') }}
{% endif %}

If no fallback template is found, Conventions won't render anything in the case of a missing template, but will log errors to storage/logs/conventions.log.

Changing the fallback template path

You can change the fallback template path for all PatternTypes via the defaults.resolver.settings.fallbackTemplate settings:

// config/conventions.php
return [
      'defaults' => [
          'resolver' => [
              'settings' => [
                 'fallbackTemplate' => '_special/missing',

To use a custom fallback for a single PatternType, you can use the advanced / expanded config syntax to override the resolver settings:

// config/conventions.php
return [
    'patterns' => [
        'partial' => '_partials',
        'field' => '_fields',
        'component' => [
            'resolver' => [
                'basePath' => '_components',
                // override `fallbackTemplate` for just the component() helper / PatternType            
                'fallbackTemplate' => '_missing/component',
    'defaults' => [
        'resolver' => [
            'settings' => [
                'fallbackTemplate' => '_missing/default',