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Using the expanded config syntax

Though Conventions works “out of the box” for most users via the shorthand config, it’s also completely configurable / customizable to your project’s needs.

The expanded PatternType syntax

When using the default shorthand config, the patterns array is expanded like this:

// config/conventions.php
return [
    'patterns' => [
        // this shorthand
        'component' => '_components',
        // gets expanded to
        'component' => [
            'resolver' =>[
                'basePath' => '<TemplateSubDir>',
                'class' => '\\zaengle\conventions\\resolvers\\DefaultResolver',
            // these come from `defaults` below if set
            'params' => [
                'ensure' => [],
                'require' => [],
                'reject' => [],
    'defaults' => [],

By using the expanded syntax directly you can do things like:

  1. Use different resolver settings for different PatternTypes

  2. Configure a PatternType to ensure / require / reject context

  3. Use a custom Resolver

  4. Override resolver settings

// config/conventions.php
return [
    'patterns' => [
        // component() will resolve in templates/_components/
        'component' => '_components',
        // field() helper should resolve in a special directory:
        'field' => [
            'resolver' => [
                // will use DefaultResolver class 
                'settings' => [
                    'basePath' => '_special/fields/directory'

2. Configure a PatternType to ensure / require / reject particular context

// config/conventions.php
return [
    'patterns' => [
        // this shorthand
        'component' => '_components',
        // gets expanded to
        'field' => [
            // resolver does not need to be explicitly set unless you wish to override the settings and/or class used 
            'params' => [
                'ensure' => ['opts'],
                'require' => ['field'],
                'reject' => ['data'],
    'defaults' => [
        'params' => [
                'ensure' => ['opts'],
                'require' => ['field'],
                'reject' => ['data'],

3. Use a custom Resolver

If you need / wish to you can further customize the plugin's behavior by writing a custom resolver.